Not for profit genU has helped raise funds for a new scholarship to support an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander to participate in the Leaders for Geelong Program with a successful bid of $3000 at a recent Committee for Geelong event.

As part of the 2019-20 Leaders for Geelong Graduation and Annual Leadership Award event last week, the Committee for Geelong commissioned Wadawurrung Artist BJ O’Toole to create a new artwork titled Leaders in Community.

According to BJ O’Toole, the artwork includes footprints leading into the middle symbolising people coming together to gather and develop the skills to be future leaders in community.
“The leaves symbolise peace, which in Wadawurrung culture is what our leaders carry with them. The footprints leading out to the single U shapes are each individual heading out to community and being leaders in their everyday roles,” said Mr O’Toole.

genU CEO Clare Amies said that their vision is to build inclusive communities where everyone from all walks of life have an equal voice.
“We are proud to support our Indigenous communities and we hope the funds from this purchase help an emerging leader reach their full potential. The Leaders for Geelong Program is a great way for local people to enhance their leadership capabilities and participate in inclusive networks,” said Ms Amies.

The 2021-22 Leaders for Geelong Program commences in late April. Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people are encouraged to apply, please visit or 03 5247 9512 with applications for this scholarship closing on Wednesday 31 March.

“The Committee for Geelong works closely with Geelong’s Aboriginal community and we are committed to seeing greater recognition, respect and representation of First Nations people in organisations and leadership roles as we work together for Djilang’s (Geelong) future,” said Committee for Geelong CEO, Jennifer Cromarty.

For more information contact: Jennifer Cromarty M: 0413 241 033

Image by HOWL Media/Pam Hutchinson Photography