Zig Ziglar said "Your Attitude, Not Your Aptitude, Will Determine Your Altitude".
I heard this quote quite a bit growing up, its relevance has never waned.
I must be getting older, now contemplating Australian society today as opposed to the seeming freedom we enjoyed in the 60’s – 90’s, before the flood of compliance and wokeness came into play. What changed in us to make all that necessary?
Well, whatever it was, this is Australia in 2024.
I’m sure we could debate this long and hard but one challenge I hear regularly is that of employing staff in today’s environment.
There is no question that being an employer today requires you to be a bit of an accountant, lawyer, psychologist, inspirational leader, expert in public relations, oh and of course an expert in your chosen field, to name but a few. Add to the mindset coming into the workplace, expecting a stress-free environment where all work is pleasant and fun. Whilst I generalise, is it now the employer’s responsibility to ensure that employees are at all times are feeling ‘happy’?
Balancing financials and morale are getting increasingly difficult to manage.
Employment had been easy to come by in the recent past but it would appear that the pendulum is swinging back on that one. Tougher financial times have seen many businesses & organisations having to scale back to survive, with many making the decision to close. As such opportunities have lessened, so my message to all employees is, appreciate your position and bring the right attitude to your workplace, relishing in your obligations to the team, so ideally you can enjoy your employment for years to come. Likewise, if employers have staff members with the desired attitude, work well with them and give them every opportunity to thrive, you want to retain that influence in the workplace and make it a success for all.
The best way I know of to thrive is to get honest with yourself and get your attitude right. You can dwell on those that have wronged you or on circumstances not eventuating as they should have, or choose to revel in gratitude for what you do have and what you can continue to build on, and take off at a run from there.
Whether referring to employment or not, bringing the right attitude to whatever challenge you face will ensure you get the best result. My challenge to us all is show up with a positive attitude, this involves showing kindness, compassion and understanding to others and also knowing when it’s time to walk away, sometimes it’s just not the right fit for you...
Have a go, that’s the Aussie way.
Gil Costa
General Manger